Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Hi! I was so tired yesterday that I forgot about the weekend that just passed! Hmm..on Sun, Mike Connell prayed for me before the sermon. Couldn't really remember what he said about me, but glad that my dad's gonna get the recording for me to hear! Thanks dad! I only recalled him asking me "Do you know that God loves you?" When I opened my mouth to speak, no voice came out...so i could only nod my head in response. Hmm..think the last time I talked to him was the deliverance at former hollywood theatre, when i brought Sarah Connell out. Gosh..time flies..but as he prayed for me..in an instant..the memories over the past 3 years flashed through my head..i was drained out..but felt God was telling me He was there through it all..not for one second was He away from me..and I was touched..that God is a faithful God..even at times that we are not..felt blessed. Talked to Gabriel the night before..and he told me that no matter what might happen..he'll make sure he'll never leave church..something about that statement struck me..but i just can't seem to decipher what God's trying to tell me. Will spend time to seek Him! Okie..gotta stop here..have work to do! tAtaz!

Posted by sOtz at 10:54 am

Monday, July 28, 2003

MoRniNg! Just realized something...think i should type in small caps here..it's easier to read! Tried reading my past entries..and gosh..it's like..i'm reading one line..and when i want to read the next line..i end up reading the same line again! Have to unlearn my habit to tap on the SHIFT button..lAughs. Anyway, it's my first day back at NUS! Pretty glad for a start that my boss is busy in the morning..he simply just told me to sit and do nothing! I feel kind of like a display item here..but it's good! coz i can do my stuff..lAlalallaa...waiting for lunch now. hMm..cHarmaine's also working here..in the company in the next bungalow..today's her first day of work! hMm..tHinking of what I can do now..tAlking to duMbo now..fEeliNg hAppy..no mOndAy blues..kEKe!

Posted by sOtz at 12:04 pm

Friday, July 25, 2003

hEre's sOmetHing tHat cAugHt my atteNtiOn!

"Food For Thought"

God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow, sun without rain,
but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Disappointments are like road humps,
they slow you down a bit..
but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.
Don't stay on the humps too long. Move on!

When you feel down because you didn't get what you want,
just sit tight and be happy,
because God is thinking of
something BETTER to give you.

When something happens to you, good or bad,
consider what it means.
There's a purpose to life's events,
to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.

You can't make someone love you,
all you can do is be someone who can be loved,
the rest is up to the person,
to realize your worth.

What the heart gives away is never gone...
It is kept in the hearts of others.
Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risks.
Secure a special place in your heart.
A certain place only you can enter.
For there will come a time when you need to find yourself..
and only your heart will show you the way.

The measure of love is when you love without measure.
In life there are very rare chances that you'll meet the person you love,
and loves you in return.
So once you have it don't ever let go,
the chance might never come your way again.

It's better to lose your pride to the one you love,
than to lose the one you love because of pride.
We spend so much time looking for the right person to love,
or finding fault with those we already love,
when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.

When you truly care for someone,
you don't look for faults,
you don't look for answers,
you don't look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults, and you overlook the excuses.

Never abandon an old friend!
You will never find one who can take his place.
Friendship is like wine,
it gets better as it grows older.

Posted by sOtz at 11:38 am


hi tHere! it's a fRidAy mOrniNg todAy! lAst weEkdAy fOr tHe weEk! feEl a little mOre aWaKe todAy! fEeliNg rElievEd tOo..cOz i've fiNished ALL of the wOrk assigNed 2 me at RP! tOok 3 weEks iNsteAd of tHe scHedulEd 2! hMm..wEnt to wAtch toMb rAider lAst nigHt! tHe sHow wAs niCe! qUite liKe advEntUre sHows! bUt..hMm..i did sOmetHing bAd yEst! Not sUre y i did tHat..dOn't qUite uNderstAnd mysElf wEll tOo..hMm..cOnfUsed? mE tOo! mAybe tHat's y i'm cAlled sOtz! lAughs..nEwae..i've cHeCked out wHat it meAns! hEre gOes:

DefiNition of sOtoNg:
Always dunno what is going on. Sotong is the malay word for octopus. When octopus squirts ink, everything is blurred and then dunno what is going on

it's fRom sOme UtiMate siNgliSh wEbsite..so..nOw it's pRoven: sOtoNg's not a sqUid! hMm..wOndEriNg wHat i sHould do nOw..wAitiNg for wOrk to eNd..gOing fOr a b'dAe pArty lAter at aRaNda cOuntRy clUb..one of tHe uShers fRom gAb's svc! hMm..tiNk i'll go pRiNt sOngsHeEts nOw! tAtAz!

Posted by sOtz at 11:29 am

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

mOrniNg! it's my 2Nd wk at rEpUbliC pOly! wOrk's a little rOutiNe..bUt tHe ppl hEre aRe niCe! sOmetiMes..tHey'll plAy tAble sOcCer at tHe stAff eAtiNg plAce! aNyway, i wEnt to wAtcH T3 witH lEwiS, sAmuEl n hOi sHan lAst nitE! tHe sHow wAs niCe..actiOn-pAcked..bUt i fEll aSleep! hAha..cOz my eyEs wEre tOo dRy (cOz i hAve to wAtch tHe cOMpUter tHe wHole dAy!). b4 tt, lEwis also cAme tO RP in tHe aftErnOon..sUppOsed to bUrn sOMe cds 4 mE (hOpe my cOlleAgUes aRen't reAdiNg tHis!)..bUt cdn't..coz i didn't nOe my lAptop didn't hAve CDR! silly mE..nEwae..tt wAs my dAy yEstErdAy! hMm..fEel mUch mOre aWake 2dAy! no mOre mOndAy blUes! oKie..gtg..hAve to fiNish all my wOrk by tOday!! kAmbAte!

Posted by sOtz at 9:41 am

Thursday, July 03, 2003

i'm sOooOo..bOred! tHis is my 2Nd blOg for tHe dAy! just fiNisHed lUnch..eilEen pAcked fiSH & cHips in fOr us, cOz it wAs rAiNing! hAve notHing to do nOw..hMm..bUt i do reALly wAnna tHank God 4 tHis jOb..it's nOt eAsy to fiNd a 6mth job cONtract..eSp. in the dOwntiMes nOw. wAnna eArn my oWn mOney tOo..leArn to bE mOre iNdependEnt! gONna hAve to leArn hOw to cOok, wAsh clOtHes, iRon etc...or my gRanNy wd sAy: "ni yi hOu jiA bU cHu qu"..hAHa. dOn't reAlly wAnt to gEt iNvolvEd in rElationsHips now tHough..it's a gReat coMmitment..eSp. if u wAnt it to lAst. The rEplAcemEnt tHeory is jUst tHe eAsy wAy oUt, isn't it? reAlly wOnder hOw i'll bE liKe 10yrs dOwn..eRm..mArriEd? wOrkiNg?..evEn 5yrs is hArd fOr me to eNvisage. But of cOurse, I do have my dReams wHich i wANna pUrsue! reAlly wANna stUdy lAw..bUt if it's nOt God's cAlling..i'd rAther not! I wAnna liVe in tHE cENter of His will for mE! i tOo wAnt to wRite sOngs..sOngs tHat cd reAch in n tOuch ppl's heArts...tHat tHrough my sOngs, ppl cd sEe hOw God hAs bEen good to me! i reAlly dOn't miNd sErviNg Him for tHe reSt of my life! i thiNk..over tHe pAst 2 yeArs..i hAve reAlly cHanged alot! 2 ppl tHat hAve reAlly iMpacted my life are liyun n gAbriEl..liyUn, coz sHe giVes me a sEnse of pUrpOse, n sHe mOtivAtes me to mOve on, to dAre to tAke gReat stRides to do His wOrk! fOr gAb..hE tOucHed me by tHe wAy he liVed his life..tHe wAy hE is so siNceRely wAntiNg to hElp otHers gROw in tHe LoRd..hOw he bUilds his cOnfidence in Him..hE hAs reAlly mAde a diffEreNce iN mAny ppl's liVes! i tOo, iN tUrn, wAnt to hElp tHe ppl ard me tOo! wANt to hElp ppl to reAch God's dEstiNies for tHem! =) sOtz, jiA yOu!!

Posted by sOtz at 1:52 pm

hi! mOrniNg! it's my fiRst dAY of wOrk at wiZleArn! It's oNe of NUS's spiN-off cOMpaNies..wHich is goNna mOve oUt of NUS soON..in a fEw mOnths tiMe! wOrking as a sOftware eNgineEr hEre..nOthing mUch to do hEre on tHe fiRst dAy..jUst to fAmiliArise mysElf with tHe systEMs hEre..tHey're goNna pOst me to rEpUblic pOly nExt wk..to sUpport tHeir systEm tHere. jUst cAN't wAit till lUnch cOMes..kiNda bOred..wiShed i wAs in tHe sAme rM as dENg li n tHe otHers..=(
AnywAy, i hAd a fUN dAy at tHe beAch yEst! wEnt with mEi ling n sAm..n sOMe otHer uShers! bOugHt a TYR biKini at tHe 7-11 tHere! it lOoks niCe! kEKe..wAs sUN-tAnNiNg till i wAs rEd..bUt it wAs fun! wENt fOr dinNer at oRcHard witH sAM, jy, n gRace after tt..n plAYed tiMe cRisis II! tiNk i'm adDictEd to tHe gAme..sAm tOo! nEwae..tHe dAy b4..mEi liNg, sAm n i wEnt oUt 4 dinNer witH deAna n tHe rEst..at kEnNy rOgers! dAph bRoke tHe wHOle plAte of uN-tOucHed foOd..n tHe mAnager wAs so niCe to hAve repLaced it with a nEw oNe. i gOt a sHOck tHOugh..coz tHe plAte cRasHed rigHt bEside mE! kEr-piAnZZz..it wEnt! oOPs..gOtta go nOw..Alan's cALling me nOw..gOtta do wOrk! tAtaz!..

Posted by sOtz at 11:17 am