Sunday, June 22, 2003
oOh! got tHe soNg & lyRics to the rAp duRiNg tHe yOuth cONfeRence! coOl! tHaNks jEMk! hEre aRe tHe lyRics:
Shake the Planet!
Intro : D C D F G
The holy Spirit�s got me pumpin�
Flowin� with tha� beat this whole place is jumpin�
To the sound, the demons can�t stand it
Coz tonight we�re gonna shake this planet
We�re gonna shake this planet
And turn it upside down
We�re gonna praise Him where His presence can be found
We�re gonna shout His Praises
For His the One who reigns
We�re gonna sing it till the whole world has been saved
Shake this planet turn it upside down
With your Spirit come and make a sound
Save this generation going down
Fill us coz tonight we�re gonna shake this planet
LiNk to YA rOck
fiNally gOt tHe zoNkboArd up tOo! do pOst cOmMeNts!!! �
Posted by sOtz at 12:43 am
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
wOw! tiMe fliEs! almOst forgot i hAve tHis blogGer tHing! wEek's beEn fiNe..a little bOred..hAve beEn stAying over at my gRanNy's hse to tk cAre of my mUm..sHe's recOveriNg wEll..tHanks God! aNyway..i gOt 2 tAlk to gAbriel on sAt! cAme hOme reAlly lAte tt dAy..cOz i rUshed for svc 3..dEn to my gRanny's hSe to visit my mUm b4 heAdiNg hOme..but gAb reAched hoMe lAter dEn i did! we tAlked bOut a lot of stUff..hAven reALly gotten to tAlk to him siNce fEb..alot of tHings hAppened meAntiMe. He's sUrviviNg ok in his fAmous cOz he sAboEd his frEns to do pUmping..coz hE dRank 1/2 a litRe insteAd of tHe uSual 1 litRe..hilArious tHoUgh! gUess it's nOt eAsy bEing a nAval divEr. hE's tRying hArd to pRioritise his tiMe on wkeNds b/w cHurch, cg, fAmily, n hiS fRens..tiMe's pRecious on wkeNds 4 him! on cHurch..hE was sUrprised 2 heAr tt i'll be a cgl by yeAr eNd or eArly nExt yR..aCtuAlly..i'd alwAys tHought he'll bEcome one b4 me! gUess cOz he's dEnied tiMe to do so. tRuthfUlly..we wEre jUst it poSsible to jUst remAin wHere we aRe now, as cg gUitarists..n still be gRowing spirituAlly? cAn a pErson cOntinue to gRow w/o riSing up to bE a leAder? is it a cONtradiction in itsElf? hMm..gUess it's a mAtter of pErsonAl oPinion..aNd a cAse by cAse bAsis. wAt's a meAsurement of mAturity? aN iNdicAtor of spiRitual gRowth? sOlely by tHe coUnt of tHe no. of cOmMitments we hAve? pErsoNal biAsnEss cOmes in tHereafter. hMm..oKie..gtg! typEd tOo mUch!
Posted by sOtz at 9:57 pm